Nexusing Water, Energy and Food to Increase Resilience in the Cape Town Metropolitan Area

Lucas Lawrence

Research Assistant at Utrecht University
He has a Bachelor of Science in Sociology, which he completed at the University of Amsterdam. As an undergrad, he discovered his passion for urban sociology, which then led him to follow a minor in Urban and Regional Planning. He is now pursuing his Master of Science degree in Spatial Planning at Utrecht University (UU), where he is also participating in the interdisciplinary honours programme ‘Young Innovators’.

Throughout his academic career, at both undergraduate and graduate levels, he has been a member of the Programme Committee, a representative advisory body in which students and lecturers discuss the quality of education to then advise the faculty on the design of the curriculum, quality assurance, and policy choices. He is now the vice-chair of Programme Committee of the Faculty of Spatial Planning and Human Geography at Utrecht University.

His research focuses on wastewater treatment and its management in Cape Town. More specifically, he’s looking at it from a social justice perspective, investigating how the effects of wastewater treatment plant upgrades, malfunctions, or the varying levels of access to sewage infrastructure in general, etc, may manifest differently across the different geographic areas of the Cape Town metropolitan area, and how this all interrelates with the energy and food sectors. The research results will form part of his master thesis in the field of Spatial Planning.