Nexusing Water, Energy and Food to Increase Resilience in the Cape Town Metropolitan Area

International Advisory Board

The International Advisory Board members review our research process, methods and results and provide recommendations to further advance the research.


Advisory Board member Affiliation
Tamsin Farragher CoCT Resilience Department
Jane Battersby-Lennard African Centre for Cities: UCT
Claire Pengelley GreenCape/ CoCT Water and Sanitation
Adrian Stone CoCT Sustainable Energy Markets
Mao Amis African Centre for Green Economy: UCT
Herman Hvekes Association of Dutch Water Authorities
Rian Kloosterman Vitens N.S
Julian May University of Western Cape
Scott Drimie Southern Africa Food Lab / Stellenbosch University
Luxon Nhamo Water Research Commission
Elkerine Rossouw Breede-Gouritz Catchment Management Agency